Background: The Media Rights Agenda is involved in the democratization of public information using the freedom of information (FOI) act. They already have a FOI app for the blackberry and java mobile platforms. the existing educates the user on the contents of the act and enables them place a call to the Media Rights Agenda for further assistance.
Description: The envisioned android FOI app will improve on the capabilities on the existing ones for Blackberry and Java. And will also extend the FOI campaign to android.
Target Audience: All Nigerians, Mindful of the fact that being a mobile app, this tool already restricts the audience to Android smartphone users.
Features: In addition to the existing features, this android app will also have Sms and email capabilities to contact the Media Rights Agenda facilitate access to Network of Legal Practitioners that can provide assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions
All other contact information,
Contain Templates for making FOI requests.