We help higher education institutions, libraries and other research organizations in Nigeria generate and maintain their digital object identifiers (DOIs) as the DataCite Consortium Lead in Nigeria. These DOIs are persistent identifiers for datasets such as research papers that provide long-lasting references that locate these datasets no matter where they appear online, ensuring that research data stored in institutional repositories and similar digital repositories are open, discoverable, navigable, machine-readable and open to being tested for replicability and reusability.
The DOIs can be linked to the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) profiles of the authors, thus increasing the list of the author’s publications both in terms of quantity and diversity. ORCID profiles can, in turn, be connected to tools like Altmetric or Impactstory to show quantitatively the immediate impact of research made in Africa.
For enquires and more Infomation on these services contact us:
Email: support@eko-konnect.org.ng
Phone: 07058046509